Tag: books

Our Summer Beach Reads

Sure, our team reads about food and drink when we’re not working, but many of us like to indulge our other interests like great fiction and Amy Poehler.

Beer Here? Brewed Awakening Author Josh Bernstein Takes Us on a Video Tour of Three Surprisingly Good Pubs

Brewed Awakening—the new book chronicling America’s growing craft beer movement—was penned by Joshua Bernstein, a Brooklynite, beer brainiac and occasional Edible contributor: In fact, he’s working on a profile of Chelsea Brewing Company for Edible Manhattan January Drinks issue right now. The book is one of the top hits on our holiday gift list, so given his knowledge of craft beer, we asked Bernstein to belly up at three surprising best of class bars in Manhattan for our weekly NY1 segment. (Surprising because everyone knows that Brooklyn is the borough leading the call to great craft beer.) His sudsy trip through lower Manhattan airs today and Sunday. Can’t catch his picks on the small screen? No worries, you can find out where he goes on an even smaller one right here.

Worth a Trip to the Northside: The Brooklyn Box Set

Last spring when we were doing research for our profile of Garrett Oliver, the brewmaster for Brooklyn Brewery, we spoke to the obvious folks: Other respected craft brewers, bar owners, beverage writers and experts in the beverage. But unlike most brewer write-ups, this particular piece required a call to the editors at Oxford University Press, that ultra-prestigious publishing house that puts out every-thing-you-wanted-to-know tomes on food and drink.