Best Sips

Liz Clayton on Coffee

Author Liz Clayton shares her favorite New York cafes, which cities she thinks have up-and-coming coffee scenes and how she thinks New York’s coffee culture has shifted over the last decade.

Talking Biodynamics & Balance with Bonterra

I couldn’t help thinking that for those who think biodynamics is a mysterious dung-filled bull horn of mystery (Bonterra actually uses a demure logo of the infamous biodynamic symbol on their single-vineyard series), listening to Blue, Chichocki, and Koball talk about it would make sense of the agricultural practice to even the most brow-furrowed doubter.

Good Beer, Here!

When we think about all the fantastic, frothy, hoppy goodness coming our way at the end of the month, we can barely stein it! We mean stand it! See? Beer on the brain.

Get Your Passport for NYC Good Beer Month!

The craft-brew fest firm Get Real Presents has teamed up with the New York State Brewers Association for a month-long world beer immersion program, if you will, with great local brewers like Empire, Shmaltz, and Sixpoint participating, too.